Ice Bloch
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Visit our digital storefront to purchase an ICE BLOCH Original. We select blank garments from tasteful brands and ice dye them to create one of a kind garments that you wont find anywhere else on earth. Own a piece of the movement…Follow the link below and make tie dye tight again.

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COmmission Dyeing

Create your own one of one ICE BLOCH piece by selecting your colors, up to 5 per project, and selecting your blank garment option…..we will take it from there. Choose from over 20 different color options. Follow the link below to build your dream ice dye

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Ice dye?

Ice dyeing is a tie dye technique used to create beautifully unexpected results in color and aesthetic. Solid ice replaces liquid water in the dyeing process resulting in an unusual marbled effect. Follow the link below to learn more about our ice dye process


Our Mission:

is to

Make Tie Dye great Again

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